Listen to daine: Alone Time on Apple Music.
daine: Alone Time
Playlist - 20 Songs
“Winter feels quiet, a little nihilistic and gray-toned,” daine tells Apple Music. When it comes to the Filipino Australian artist’s chosen soundtrack for the coldest months, it’s all, as she says, “simple guitar, hella reverb and chorus, and painfully disinterested vocals.” As someone who reveled in deeply moody emo and hyperpop-inspired contours across her 2022 mixtape Quantum Jumping, daine knows her way around intense introspection. That vibe hangs heavy over her downcast winter playlist for Apple Music, which she describes as songs that are “great for being alone.” Ranging from indie staples Soccer Mommy and Alex G to a grief-informed acoustic cut from Tigers Jaw, these are wistful tunes to disappear into like a thick blanket. Listen at your leisure, and read on for daine’s thoughts about a few of the songs in particular. jd feat. Heavn, “Suicide Tuesday” “My friend jd just passed away last week. I think this song has that perfect sad, indoor, winter vibe, as the song features some reflective lyrics and samples rain sound.” Alex G, “Change” “This is also a great song for the dreaded transition into winter. The chorus drones, ‘I don’t like how things change,’ which feels pretty fitting. It reminds me of a stroll on wet pavement.” Have A Nice Life, “Bloodhail” “It nails the nihilistic dread that sometimes accompanies a freezing morning. It reminds me of a bus ride to school amongst morning fog.”