Listen to Funkentelechy vs. The Placebo Syndrome by Parliament
Funkentelechy vs. The Placebo Syndrome
Album - Funk, Music, R&B/Soul, Soul
The conceptual mind of George Clinton was working overtime when he came up with this funk masterpiece in 1977. After exploring outer space and cloning, George and the Funk Mob came back down to earth in a showdown between a good guy (one possessing the funk) versus a bad guy (Sir Nose d'Voidoffunk). It all culminated with "FlashLight," an unbridled dance floor rump shaker that will still rock any house party twenty-five years after it was released. In order to get Sir Nose to dance, he had to be shot with the "Bop Gun," which was pictured on the front cover, and sung by departed, but not forgotten, P-funk vocalist Glenn Goins. Blending mind and body in a way that had never been done before (or since for that matter), Clinton took the funk to unsurpassed levels on this inspired trip.

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