Listen to Nobody's Daughter (Bonus Track Version) by Hole
Nobody's Daughter (Bonus Track Version)
Album - Alternative, Music, Rock, Adult Alternative, Grunge
While you could say Courtney Love is Hole, since she is the “group”’s one constant, it is inaccurate since the sound is highly dependent on her songs’ co-writers. This doesn’t mean that the final product isn’t as fascinating as Love’s own tabloid life; it just means that there is an obvious musical variety that comes from other sources. And it’s still Love’s tortured grunge croak snarling over the tunes. Only she could chill your heart with the nasty sweep of the title track, the intense drive of the garage-to arena rock of “Skinny Little Bitch,” and the rough and raw demo, intensity turned full-on, hard-rock attack of the Love-Billy Corgan-Linda Perry co-write “How Dirty Girls Get Clean.” “Honey,” “Pacific Coast Highway” and the raw bonus track “Never Go Hungry” aim towards mid-tempo. “Someone Else’s Bed,”  “For Once In Your Life” and “Letter to God” add up to be retrospective compositions where Love sounds more like a singer-songwriter trying to find her way home. She’s been a tortured, confused soul for years and this album shows those scars brilliantly.