Listen to Philip Glass: Musical Offering by Feico Deutekom
Feico Deutekom
Philip Glass: Musical Offering
Album - Classical, Music, Contemporary Era, Minimalism
Feico Deutekom’s solo piano arrangements of Philip Glass’ orchestral music come from the heart, from many hours spent untangling and reassembling the composer’s hypnotic, gently swirling textures. Over the years, Glass has encouraged musicians to reinvent his works—to unearth new timbres, new paths of expression. Such is Deutekom’s total immersion in, and love of, Glass’ output that orchestral pieces such as Glassworks, Company, and music from the chamber opera Les Enfants terribles emerge freshly minted but with the distinct Glass hallmark intact. As if to prove the point, Deutekom intersperses his “musical offering” with a handful of the composer’s original piano works that complement this fascinating and brilliantly performed new glimpse at Glass’ world.