Listen to DEV, Vol. 2 - EP by Marca MP
Marca MP
DEV, Vol. 2 - EP
Album - Latin, Music
“I see things completely different,” Chato tells Apple Music. Surviving an otherwise deadly car accident in August of 2020, the Marca MP frontman was left with significant injuries that impacted his ability to walk, let alone perform. The harrowing experience and subsequent setbacks put a number of things into perspective for the young singer, whose band was on a tremendous upswing up until that point thanks to the success of the hit single “El Güero” with Grupo Firme and projects like No Me Quejo and Flores. “It motivated me to write from the heart,” he says. “I feel like I'm not the same person I was. Breaking both of your legs, not being able to walk, and being in bed for more than five months, it changes you; you think a lot.” Ultimately, neither broken bones nor lineup changes could keep him from bringing Marca MP back, even while still in recovery. The sequel to one of the group’s best-loved records, DEV, Vol. 2 features a mix of corridos and romanticas that fans have been waiting for, including some previously teased by Chato on social media, and hints at what promises to be a robust year for his music. Check out his thoughts on these five new tracks below.
Bien Me Conoces “It talks about a love relationship [where] sometimes the girl gets mad at things, or she gets moody at certain stuff that the guy does. But at the end of the day, they both love each other. I feel like some songs, they’re dirty, you can say. And I feel like this, it’s calm, it's respectful, and it's about love.”
Aquí en El Chaleco “All the other tracks, we've presented them on live on Instagram. But this track, it was completely new. It just came out of the blue. A lot of fans were saying that we were just releasing covers. People were like, 'Hey, this isn't like Marca MP anymore.' This is why we called it Despegando el Vuelo, because the fans said that's the best album. So I was like, why don't we call this Despegando el Vuelo, Vol. 2 with corridos and romanticas that people are going to know that, 'Hey, this is the old Marca MP that I fell in love with.'”
Ya Acabo “That's the banger. Since the start, since we presented it in September in the little video that we put on Instagram, people were saying that they wanted the track, right off the get-go. That was the first romantic one after the other members had left. I hope that people accept it, because it's a desamor song, but it has that Marca MP touch, and I hope that the fans connect to it a lot.”
Acá en Guanajuato “That's another corrido that pretty much talks about the narco-territories that are going on right now. I can see it more in my state, because that's where I'm from. I was seeing it, I was hearing about it, and I would put pieces together. I would just be in my room and take out notes.”
Lumbre Al Cigarro “That's another corrido. It's happy, and it has a lot of verses that people can relate to. We’re blessed enough to say that our songs can go from an eight-year-old singing them to like a 50-year-old singing them. That’s a big factor that has helped us a lot in this whole music industry.”

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