Listen to This Is Not the World by The Futureheads
The Futureheads
This Is Not the World
Album - Rock, Music, Adult Alternative, Alternative, Indie Rock
On their third full-length England’s Futureheads go it on their own, starting their own label and coming out the gate with a bang: the first single, “Beginning of the Twist,” is their most successful to date, making the top 20 of the UK Singles chart. The debut album back in 2004 by these new-wave revivalists knocked our socks off, all punchy drums, sharp guitar angles, and twisted vocal hooks, made of the best stuff to come out of the original post-punk explosion. Their second record... harder to figure out, and some fans wrote off the record AND the band. Those very same people may now, after hearing the promise of “Twist,” be sheepishly downloading This Is Not The World with all the anticipation of a kid on Christmas morning. It’s a fantastic, high energy, maelstrom and the next single to follow, “Radio Heart” — pumping pure new wave blood — is just as strong. Other tracks, like “Sleet,” “Broke Up The Time,” and “This is Not the World” could all be radio contenders, and conjure some of the best original pop-punk bands from 30 years ago:  The Jam, the Chords, the Vapors, the Adverts. Going back to their true roots was a good move for the ‘heads. Other bands suffering sophomore slumps may want to take note.