Listen to Reckless Skyline by Caitlin Canty
Caitlin Canty
Reckless Skyline
Album - Singer/Songwriter, Music, Traditional Folk
Singer/songwriter Caitlin Canty’s music veers between earthy country, downtrodden blues, contemplative folk, and thunderous rock. That’s not a particularly unusual paper route—Lucinda Williams, Norah Jones, Shelby Lynn, and countless others do it—but Canty can say she’s very good at what she does, and she gets help from some top-shelf talent led by produce/guitarist Jeffrey Foucault. The catchy “Get Up,” the harrowing “My Love for You Will Not Fade,” and the poetic “The Brightest Day” should make believers out of hardened cynics. While this is nearly all-original material, the addition of Neil Young’s “Unknown Legend” is a nice grace note.