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About Gérard Lenorman
Artist Biography
Gérard Lenorman is a French pop singer who made his recording debut in 1968 with a few singles and released his full-length debut, Gérard Lenorman, in 1969. His popularity began to peak around the mid-'70s with albums such as Quelque Chose et Moi (1974), Caroline (1975), Olympia 75 (1975), and Drôles de Chansons (1976). By the mid-'80s, Lenorman's popularity had begun to recede, and his output became increasingly sporadic. Nonetheless, he was chosen to represent France in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1988 with "Chanteur de Charme" and continued to release new albums, including latter-day efforts such as La Raison de l'Autre (2000). ~ Jason Birchmeier
Bénouville, France
French Pop
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