Orthodox is a Spanish power trio devoted to the dark practice of improbably lethargic, epic doom drones, which they carve out of granite building blocks along the lines of chief stylistic touchstones like Earth, Boris and Sunn O))) (whose trademark, hooded monk cloaks, they have also chosen to adopt.) Founded in Sevilla, in 2004, by vocalist/guitarist Ricardo Jimenez Gómez, bassist Marco Serrato Gallardo and drummer B. Diaz Vera (formerly members of The Forge, Degüello and Tierra), Orthodox released their first full-length CD, 2006's Gran Poder, through independent Spanish label Alone Records. Like its 2007 successor, Amanecer en Puerta Oscura, it was later issued in the U.S. by Southern Lord; but whereas both titles are characterized by sparse lyrics delving into subjects of sin, oppression and religious folklore, the latter saw the group breaking away from doom's restraints in order to experiment with avant-garde jazz inspired by John Coltrane. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia
Sevilla, Spain
Similar to: Orthodox
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