Since debuting in 2004 with “Stalker” on Mordant Music, Lancashire, England native Sam Shackleton continually developed a fragile sounding yet densely detailed style of sample-based electronic music that was neither straight techno nor dubstep, though those were the two styles most frequently assigned to him. From 2005 through 2008, he and fellow producer Appleblim ran the Skull Disco label, an outlet for ten vinyl releases, including his own “Blood on My Hands”. Two years after its release, Shackleton issued his lengthiest title to date, Three EPs (2009). In late 2010, just after launching another imprint (Woe to the Septic Heart!), he mixed the 55th volume of the Fabric series, made with an array of his all-new productions. ~ Andy Kellman
Lancashire, England
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