ALBUMSospesi nel vuoto bruceremo in un attimo e il cerchio sarà chiusoStormo
About Stormo
Artist Biography
Italian rock band Storm{O} specialize in hardcore screamo and match their sound with an equally intense touring schedule. Based in Feltre, Belluno, the group's name references a dark storm as well as the word for a flock of black birds. They first made waves after releasing their debut album, 2014's Sospesi Nel Vuoto. The band's second LP, 2018's Ere, kicked off an intense album launch tour where they played 20 shows in 17 cities across Europe in under 72 hours. Within a year, they had recorded their third full-length, 2019's Finis Terrae, but world events would stall the release of their fourth set, 2023's Endocannibalismo.
Duomo di Feltre, Belluno, Italy
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