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About Louie Bello
Artist Biography
In the artist’s words:
Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail. The first time i stepped on the Apollo Theater stage was a moment I will never forget. I started singing and started getting booed but three older women stood up in front and told me keep going. I ended up getting a standing ovation at the end.
Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song. “Mistake (feat. Jason Tucker)” This was my first collaboration down in Nashville and with an amazing writer and friend Jason Tucker. The song has a lot of meaning in my personal life and came out better than I could have imagined.
What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far? I got to Play a show in London. It was my first time overseas and we got to play this historic hotel where the Knights Templar originated. My dad and I are history buffs so to sing and experience this moment was priceless.
Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band? I want to hit a million streams on one of my songs and sell out an arena one day. I love telling stories in my music so hjaving that big of an audience would be a dream come true.
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