Dave Arcari's Great British R&B Festival Concert Set List
About Dave Arcari
Artist Biography
In the artist’s words: Describe one of your earliest musical memories in detail.
Hearing Johnny Cash on the record player at a friends house when I was six or seven – 25 Minutes to Go. I didn't know who it was at the time but it became one of my favourites in further years! What are your top 3 all-time favorite albums on Apple Music, and why? Why did you choose these three albums in particular?
Eilen Jewell, Boundary County
Justin Townes Earle, Harlem River Blues
Scott H. Biram, Something's Wrong/Lost Forever
These albums represent a cross section of my taste in music and are amongst my most played – probably so I can introduce friends to the music of these artists. Find a song of yours on Apple Music that you love and tell us what makes it special. Tell us why you chose this song.
“(Looks Like You're) Walkin' On Water”
I got into paddleboarding and wanted to write a 'paddleboarding anthem'...someone watching me one say said "Looks like you're walking on water". I went home and wrote the song which is a kinda melting pot of blues, gospel and Hawaiian... What’s one of the most memorable moments in your career so far?
A hugely positive response that I didn't expect when playing a show with Steve Earle. All these people there to see someone else and they liked my music! Is there anything left on your bucket list as an artist or band?
Play Fuji Rock Festival in Japan! It's one of the events I'd love to play...and a country I'd love to visit.
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