About Tartans
Artist Biography
Armed with breezy pop hooks, sweet-as-pie instrumental touches (glockenspiels, melodicas, handclaps), and winsome boy-girl harmonies, the Los Angeles-based group the Tartans are easily compared to the likes of Allo Darlin', Strega, and the School. The band formed in the early 2000s around the talents of Brian C., Lon, Jesse, and Yvonne, and their debut 7" single, "Cats of Camerford," was released on YAY! Records in the spring of 2008. Another 7" single (featuring the song "My Baby Doesn't Care for You") was released via Cloudberry Records that summer. The Tartans' third single, "West of La Brea," was slated for release on YAY! Records in 2010. ~ TiVo Staff
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