Poslechněte si Getting Up For The Morning od interpreta Krokodil
Getting Up For The Morning
Album - Rock, Music, Hard Rock
This 1972 effort from the Switzerland-based blues-rock group was its fourth, and it finds the band at its leanest and most effective. Previously, the band had flirted with early psych sounds and had incorporated touches of Eastern influence, but here it shows off its greatest strength: being an especially hardworking blues-rock band. The opener, "Marzipan," is all nimble fretwork, thick bass lines, and harmonica; it sounds like more like The Groundhogs than any of the burgeoning Krautrock movers and shakers this band is often lumped in with. Krokodil drifts off into cosmic interludes on songs like "And I Know," but then it's back to the riffs on "The 12th of March," which takes a detour into good-time boogie rock.