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Havok Essentials
Playlist - 18 Songs
Thrash fans owe Denver’s HAVOK a deep debt of gratitude for helping revive the genre in the early 2010s. Coming together in 2004, the outfit spent its first few years tightening its trademark attack before delivering a trio of vicious albums—2009’s Burn, 2011’s Time Is Up, and 2013’s Unnatural Selection—anchored by guitarists Reece Scruggs and David Sanchez (the latter also handling vocals). These two shredders deliver palm-muted riffs and piercing solos with all the face-melting intensity of classic Bay Area thrash from the ’80s. With musicians of this caliber comprising HAVOK’s ranks, it is no surprise that the group also embraces experimentation. Filled with densely woven guitar patterns, King Diamond-like shrieks, and even a little slap bass, 2017’s Conformicide serves as riveting proof that HAVOK enjoys challenging thrash just as much as worshipping it.