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Rangga Jones Essentials
Playlist - 16 Songs
For singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Rangga Jones, success is all about consistency. It’s how he transitioned from working odd jobs in food and retail to giving music a serious chance—posting his bedroom-produced pop-R&B jams online, with no connections in the industry and his parents understandably treating his passion with scepticism. But such obstacles only armed Jones with more determination and drive—until he was on everyone’s radar. Tellingly, it was the lilting, guitar-laden “Confidence in Me” that first broke the 10 million streams mark, and his other songs soon followed in gaining widespread popularity. His soft-spoken, synth-hued serenades aim straight for the heart, but make no mistake—there’s real creative power and grit behind his mesmerising confessionals. As Apple Music shines a spotlight on Southeast Asia’s young trailblazers, get a glimpse into the artist’s story so far in the exclusive interview below. Can you take us through the transition from your life before music and how you first became involved with it? What drew you to it initially? “Before pursuing a career in music, I was employed in retail and F&B [food and beverage] jobs. I had not seriously considered music as a professional path until I uploaded my own songs online and saw that they gained quite a bit of traction and many random strangers were listening to my music. I think that served as a pivotal moment—a sign that I should be pursuing music as a career.” What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when you first started out in the music industry? How did you handle those setbacks? “One of the significant challenges I encountered was establishing my presence in the industry, as I began my music career without knowing anything or anyone in the scene. But I stayed consistent and kept releasing songs, which I think helped me get on everyone’s radar and helped me to connect with the right individuals within the scene to push my career forward.” Can you share a pivotal moment in your career that significantly impacted your journey as an artist? “The one moment that was super pivotal for me was when my song ‘Confidence in Me’ started to gain traction. It holds a lot of meaning for me as it’s still one of the most personal songs I’ve ever written and released. It was the first song of mine to break the 10 million streams mark and the attention bled over to my other tracks like ‘Call Me’ and ‘Favourite Things’, which all have over 15 million streams each, and that was such a life-changing moment for me. However, I’m just happy to know that my listeners can relate to a song that I cherish dearly and I hope to continue to put out music that they can continue to relate to.” Was there ever a time when you or others doubted your path in music? How did you push through those doubts? “Definitely. There was no end to the doubts my parents had of me pursuing music as a career and I don’t blame them at all. Instead, I took that as motivation, worked harder and eventually proved them wrong. I’m glad to say that I could make them proud of me too!” What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are trying to make it in the industry? “Stay consistent, create music that you genuinely enjoy and always be true to yourself.” What is your biggest dream or goal that you’re still striving to achieve? “The biggest dream I have is to embark on a world tour, performing in major venues and stadiums across the globe. It may seem ambitious and far-fetched for now, but I have faith that if I take it a step at a time, I’ll eventually get there.”