
ducing Abigail Crow ducing a family of moles ducing a bear trap in Sycamore Woods Where this tragic tale unfolds... Abigail Crow was attempting to hatch When she fell from the nest Onto a shell-cracking patch of stone far below She knocked herself out and shook up her innards Her parents just left her there To be some scavenger's dinner But when she came to, she was down in a hole-- She had been rescued by a friendly family of moles Abigail Crow She learned to root around and dug dozens of holes But as she grew and grew she knew she wasn't a mole She felt all alone and it was busting her soul in two Abigail Crow never learned how to fly While murders of her fellow birds were flirting in the sky Abigail Crow could only stand there and sigh... Abigail Crow One morning she was walking Forlornly through the forest When she stepped on a bear trap, Much to her horror--oh, no! The trap began to close and gave her quite a scare So she flapped her wings and jumped And kinda hung right there in mid-air But half a second into that maiden flight The trap snapped shut and cut her legs off Right at the knees Oh, Jeez, oh, Abigail Crow The pain was more than she could stand She flailed and fled and bled a bit but never did land For that's the sort of thing a poor legless crow no can do She spent half her life down working underground She spent the other half up circling around She wandered through the wild blue yonder Till her wings were sore And then she soared some more... Abigail Crow But that was long ago--now Abigail's dead And when she died, she fell like a nine pound sledge As I recall, she hit Flanagan right on the head... Abigail Crow
Writer(s): Sycamore Smith Lyrics powered by