Ακούστε το άλμπουμ Symphonies in My Head από Håkon Kornstad
Håkon Kornstad
Symphonies in My Head
Άλμπουμ · Jazz · 2011
Symphonies in My Head, recorded in an Oslo church, is the third solo release by Norwegian saxophonist Hakon Kornstad. “Solo” as in one-man band: Kornstad plays tenor and bass saxophones, flutes, flutonette (flute with an attached woodwind mouthpiece), sansula (thumb piano), and loops. (His other solo efforts are 2007’s Single Engine and 2009’s Dwell; Kornstad has also released albums with various groups.) All of the tracks are free improvisations, with the exception of “Pearlfisher,” which is based on an aria from Bizet’s Les Pecheurs de Perles. Kornstad’s compelling loops make a solid foundation for his expressive, melodic horn workouts. The tracks come off as compositions—they don’t ramble at all. “Damascus” features a looping, entrancing bass sax part as Kornstad lays out a line redolent of the Middle East, while “Aire,” one of the best cuts here, brings to mind the blissed-out sounds of vintage Terry Riley. The closer, “Plystre,” finds Kornstad singing (he's studying to be an opera singer) and whistling, adding more colors to the hypnotic mix.

Άλλα άλμπουμ από Håkon Kornstad
