Ακούστε το άλμπουμ The O.C. Mix 5 από
The O.C. Mix 5
Album - Soundtrack, Music
It's hard to date exactly when the radio stopped being much of a vital force in young people's lives in terms of their discovery and enjoyment of new sounds; surely it predates the mp3 player, and television programs such as the OC? It's almost as it's hard to pinpoint when the OC itself stopped being a vital force in turning kids onto hip music. And while viewers' attention may have begun to drift by the time of the insanely successful show's final season, Music from the OC: Mix 5 just might be the best of all the O.C. mixes. This particular collection shies away from the trademark singer-songwriter fare towards a more danceable electronic and four-on-the-floor rock type sound. From the throwaway brilliance of LCD Soundsystem's "Daft Punk is Playing at My House" to Youth Group's campy take on "Forever Young," this is the ideal soundtrack to youthful exuberance and likely as strong a time capsule of hipster listening habits circa '05 as one is likely to find.