
Take me to a place where there's joy and no suffering Take me to a place where there's no sadness or pain Take me to a place where the sun is shining everyday Take me dear Lord, and show me the way At one point in my life I was in bondage But not the bondage that you may be thinking about No I don't have any shackles on my feet, so I can dance No I haven't been arrested, so my hands aren't tied behind my back Nothing is holding me down but... myself My bondage is what I consider to be bondage of the mind You know the kind that makes an individual feel as if they are Defeated, not needed Undeserving of love or anything positive that life has to offer You know the kind of bondage that has occurred because of depression So heavy at times that it seems like The weight of the world was on one shoulder I mean, it had to be on one shoulder Because if the weight were on both I would have been crushed completely by the impact Now, it took a while for me to realize what I was experiencing It all began from scars that left wounds too deep to be covered by a Bandage. It is true that bandages are used to help keep the wound From being infected But at some point the bandage needs to Be removed so that the wound can breathe That is when the scar forms The time w hen we blame ourselves for how our past choices got us Into the situations we are currently in It is also the time when guilt Becomes unbearable because of the past Now if you think about it This is also when Satan taunts us and makes us Feel that we can't remove the bandages of our past This is when he challenges us to stay right where we are- not healed! You see I have come to realize that Bandages have left many of us in bondage We are in bondage because instead of letting Jesus Christ heal our Hearts and minds we have covered up our Wounds and never let them settle, breath, or heal We don't realize that the scar may be present as a Reminder of our past yet God is able to restore and heal completely We don't have to remain in bondage in how we think Instead all we have to do is allow God to Breathe into our situations, our mindsets, our hearts That is the only way we can heal So I have decided to uncover my past sins and Re-occurring guilt that has plagued me for years Today I live in the present knowing that yesterday I may not have Done all or been all that Christ wanted me to Be, but I have repented and live free in Jesus Today, I have forgotten those things that are in the past And am pressing toward the mark of the high calling of Christ So I ask you," Are you willing to join me in removing the Bandages that have covered up the wounds and pain of your past? Will you accept that the scar may be present but choose to live your Life as a testimony telling your story as God leads you Or will you continue to use a bandage to cover the wounds Remove the bandage or stay in bondage, it is your choice!
Writer(s): Lisa Louise Gilliam Lyrics powered by