Escucha Spirit of the Anzacs de Lee Kernaghan
Lee Kernaghan
Spirit of the Anzacs
Álbum · Country · 2015
For his patriotic 13th studio album, Corryong’s Lee Kernaghan paid tribute to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), who landed at Gallipoli in Türkiye during World War I. The album was released in 2015, 100 years after the event, and Kernaghan often breaks from his typical country sound in order to communicate a wider range of stories and feelings. He enlisted some of the country’s biggest artists to join him, including Sara Storer (the heartbreaking “Song for Grace”); Lisa McCune (the piano duet “The Unbearable Price of War”); and too many to name on the rousing title track. Through songs like the haunting “Oh Passchendaele” and “Lest We Forget,” which immortalizes the dead over marching drums, Kernaghan expresses the heavy cost the people of the South Pacific paid in 1915 with poignant narratives and thoughtful arrangements.