
Oh as I walked down by the Oxborough banks Where the maids of Australia do play their wild pranks By a shady green bower, I sat myself down Where the birds sang so gayly and chanting all round In the forests of happy Australia, in the forests of happy Australia, Where the maidens are handsome and gay Well, I had not been long in that beautiful scene Where the fields are delightful, the trees ever green When a pretty fair damsel to me did appear To the banks of the river she quickly drew near She's a native of happy Australia, she's a native of happy Australia, Where the maidens are handsome and gay Well, She took off her clothes and before me she stood, Just as naked as Venus, that came from the flood, She looked me in the face and, smiling, said she, "Oh this is the road that nature gave me." On the day I was born in Australia, on the day I was born in Australia, Where the maidens are handsome and gay And she jumped in the water, without fear or dread And her beautiful limbs she exceedingly spread And her hair hung in ringlets and the colour was black She cried, "Sir, can you see... how I swim on my back In the streams of my native Australia, in the streams of my native Australia, Where the maidens are handsome and gay But, being tired of swimming, she came to the brink Oh, assist me kind sir, for I'm sure I shall sink. So, like lightning, I flew - took her fast by the hand But, my foot - it did slip and we fell to the sand And I entered the bush lf Australia, and I entered the bush of Australia Where the maidens are handsome and gay So we sported together in the highest of glee In the finest Australia we ever did see To my head to her beautiful breast was inclined And the sun, in the west, all its glories resigned And I left this fair maid of Australia, and I left this fair maid of Australia Just as the moon did shine Just as the moon did shine
Writer(s): Trad, Douglas James Oates, Samuel John Carter Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com