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Brent Louis Trexler
Brent Louis Trexler
Freek Van Workum
Freek Van Workum
Gregory Geatz McCarthy
Gregory Geatz McCarthy
Ingeniería de masterización


This week, we are tackling the difficult topic of suicide I don't even know if this is a song Just some stuff I wrote about perspective But to put it into perspective. About being kind Because you have no idea the bigger picture your words can lead to Spread love Be kind We all fighting something Let's not make at each other 46,000 people died by suicide in 2020 That's about 1,600 fewer than the year before That's not much This is the story of two kids One of them wishes every day school ends Tommy didn't have any friends Nothing cool to do after school with Lost in himself, silent lies left him feeling truthless Every time he got asked how school went Put on a smile and kept it moving Scared to tell anyone what they were doing What's the point with no way to prove it Dad would just shrug Kids will be kids, stand tough So every time he walks into lunch Billy throws him an apple, but not to suck up Hits him in the head, but the heart's where it struck Counting down to 315 for the rest of the month When graduation comes, he's no longer stuck But for now, get through the day, feeling no luck They just sitting in math class Every time the teacher turns his back Billy flicks him in the head just to make the class laugh He thinks about getting him back His dad's shotgun he wouldn't even miss if he grabbed Goes home, sits in the room, ready attack Dad walks in, how was school he asks Fighting the tears back, he mumbles, fine dad He tells him dinner's ready in an hour and a half Dad holding his thoughts in Closes the door cause he don't feel like talking In a way he's ashamed Wanted a kid that did all the same things that he always did In a way he got exactly as he wished Dad bullied the kids just like his son for being different Ten years later his son eases the pain Grabs the gun meant for Billy but changes his aim One shot and now everyone remembers his name This is the story of two kids One of them wishes every day school would never end Not aware when it does he'll have no friends They all off to college but he didn't get in Ten years of drinking every day reminiscing Looking at the trophies in his mother's basement Goes to see himself, there's a different person Wiping off the dust is Tommy's reflection Knows he led the way, the football captain Morgan ain't the reason for his actions Shaken when he goes to put the key in his gun cabinet A life for a life he feels is the only caption Just before he blasts he wakes up gasping One month to graduation I can change what happens Spends the next years making up for his actions Tommy started trading his tears for laughing And Billy found a friend that's forever lasting Amazing how one dream changed two bullets from ever happening Now there is no single cause of suicide While depression is the most common condition associated with it It is often undiagnosed Words Words can change the world Change yours and let's do it together So some of the health risks involved in suicide Things to watch out for Long term harassment at school Bullying Maybe it's a relationship problem they just can't move past Something stressful like a divorce Or in this case maybe family financial crisis One indicator of suicide right now is that so many people have lost loved ones because of this pandemic And also jobs Now there are ways to protect and intervene To get in there before we get to this level Connection to family and familial support If your kid is going away everyday and they're on the internet and you're not having that interaction with them Break that Have some connection with them Those touch points
Writer(s): Brent Trexler Lyrics powered by