Moby Grape द्वारा Moby Grape 69' (Bonus Track Version) सुनें
Moby Grape
Moby Grape 69' (Bonus Track Version)
एल्बम · Rock · 1967
Unlike the Grateful Dead who went from garage rock to improvisational jamming, Moby Grape’s fourth album found them turning their backs on meandering festival-friendly guitar noodling and returning to rock ‘n’ roll, as evidenced by the grooving boogie-rocker “Hoochie.” And the Grape preferred to keep their singing straightforward and Byrdsian where harmonies were concerned, especially on the opening cut “Ooh Mama Ooh” (except on the choruses where they nodded to ‘50s doo-wop). And where Jefferson Airplane leaned hard on psychedelic accoutrements like wah-wah pedals and sitars, Moby Grape chose to branch out with baroque-pop instrumentation and wistfully sideways arrangements like on “It’s a Beautiful Day Today.” The band’s heady luminary Skip Spence had left halfway through the making of their second album, but he left behind a golden vestige in the closing song “Seeing,” which the band respectfully covered with the same panoramically orchestral approach that Spence was celebrated for.