Ascolta 'Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 9 - Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes' di Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 9 - Britten: Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes
Album - Classical, Music, Orchestral, Modern Era
Jaap van Zweden has transformed the Hong Kong Philharmonic into an orchestra of depth and character. Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony is testament to this: superbly gauged, with a first movement that masterfully builds in tension. The strings are sweet and lyrical, but as things heat up, the Hong Kong brass and orchestral piano make a serious impact. The lumbering second movement and tensely powerful “Largo” are impressive, and the martial, cinematic finale has the impact absolutely demanded of it. The altogether lighter Ninth is also superbly done: highlights are piccolo and trombones in the opening “Allegro,” expressive clarinet in the “Moderato,” a thrilling trumpet solo in the “Presto,” and some flavorsome bassoon work. The Four Sea Interludes by Shostakovich’s friend Benjamin Britten are highly atmospheric, conjuring up the foaming sea and eerie light off the East Anglian coast. The strings are luminous, while the brass brings plenty of power.

Altri album di Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
