Ascolta 'Mob Justice' di The Rival Mob
The Rival Mob
Mob Justice
Album - Alternative, Music, Rock
Coming out of Boston, members of The Rival Mob have been active in the city's hardcore scene for many years, playing in various locally successful groups like Mind Eraser and Righteous Jams. This album—also available on vinyl as well as cassette (!)—follows up the impressive EP Hardcore for Hardcore with a dozen neckbreaking songs clearly influenced by old-school acts like Leeway, Youth of Today, and Minor Threat. Slashing dual guitars, distorted bass mini-solos, and animalistic drumming set the stage for high-speed shouted vocals that rally against ignorance and assorted societal ills. "Cheapo Grosso" sounds like it could be a lost Unsane demo. "Be Somebody" is the hardest-rocking motivational speech you'll hear, and the frenetic "Life or Death" impresses with breakneck changeups. Songs are short, fast, and to the point (only one clocks in at more than 2:13); all are delivered in an authentic manner that pays homage to the pioneers while still pushing things forward.