Ascolta Ball Park Music Essentials su Apple Music.
Ball Park Music Essentials
Playlist - 17 Songs
So anthemic and joyful is Ball Park Music’s spirited indie rock that you’d be forgiven for thinking the sun is always shining on the Brisbane quintet. As frontman Sam Cromack sings in the irrepressibly catchy “It’s Nice to Be Alive”: “Don’t stress, that’s dumb/I’m here and it’s nice to be alive.” Peel away the layers, though, and you’ll find songs about relationship turmoil (“She Only Loves Me When I’m There”) and societal and personal unrest (“Spark Up!”), complete with lyrics inspired by highbrow books such as Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion (“It’s Nice to Be Alive”). Still, none of this can detract from the fact that Ball Park Music sounds consistently uplifting, the band taking myriad disparate influences—propulsive indie disco (“Trippin’ the Light Fantastic”), classic rock guitar soloing (“All I Want Is You”), lush electro-pop (“Surrender”)—and combining them into a sonically freewheeling yet coherent whole. Throw in some occasionally bonkers lyrics (“Satan’s dog is at the front door/I’m giving her a biscuit” in “Everything Is S**t Except My Friendship With You”) and it’s no wonder Ball Park Music always sounds like they’re at the best party in town.