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Dr Poppy
Dr Poppy
Toddler Fun Learning
Toddler Fun Learning
Michael John Moran
Michael John Moran
Fun Learning Studios Limited
Fun Learning Studios Limited


Hello everyone! I think it's going to be another busy day in the treatment room, today Shall we see who's in the waiting room? Oh, look! It's Alice the ant and her family Lily the dog and, and I'm sure I had another appointment! Yes, Dr. Poppy Felix the tortoise has an appointment at 10 o'clock Which is now, but he hasn't arrived yet Okay, I'm sure he'll turn up In the meantime, let's welcome Alice the Ant Ants like to be with other ants and live in groups called colonies Most ants are worker ants, and they use teamwork to build the nest Protect their queen and find food for the rest of the colony Hello Alice, what's wrong? Why aren't you with the rest of the colony? Oh, I see Alice, you've got a bad back from carrying too much It looks like you've been trying to do too much by yourself When you try to carry too much, and you do it on your own You're making life more tricky Whereas you could make it known that you need a little help And your friends can clearly see A helping hand is welcome Work together, that's the key Share the load, it's going to help each one of you On the road to moving on Share the load, you need a little give and take We can help each other to be strong and to be brave When you're worrying about the work you've not yet done Togetherness works wonders and you can work as one On your own you get frustrated, and you can't get to the end Don't carry all the world if your back is going to bend Share the load, it's going to help each one of you On the road to moving on Share the load, you need a little give and take We can help each other to be strong and to be brave Share the load, it's going to help each one of you On the road to moving on Share the load, you need a little give and take We can help each other to be strong and to be brave Share the load So, there you go Alice Do you think you'll let your family and friends help you a bit more now? Here, wear this back support which will help when you are carrying things Well done! You're all working together as a team Teamwork makes the dream work! Oh dear, it's 10.30, and it looks like Felix still isn't here Let's take a look at Lily, then, shall we? Lily is a breed of dog called a beagle Did you know that a beagle could use its powerful sense of smell To follow another animal's tracks, even if they're buried under deep snow? Welcome, welcome Lily What seems to be the problem? You look very itchy Lily Shall we take a closer look at your fur and see what's making you so itchy? Let's use this magnifying glass A magnifying glass helps us to see tiny things very clearly and in more detail Aha! Just as I expected You have jumpy, itchy little fleas having a party in your fur Robbo, can you fetch the flea vacuum please? Let's suck those little fleas right up! Let's count the fleas One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten That's it! We got them all! Those pesky fleas are so troublesome Look, they're carrying on with their party Lily, you are now flea free Oh look, here comes Felix at 11 o'clock Felix, you're an hour late Tortoises can live for a very long time Some can live to 150 years old! I think I know what the problem is Felix Are you tired of being late for everything? It must be very difficult walking quickly with that big, heavy shell of yours Do you have any ideas, Robbo? I do have something in mind Roller skates Great idea Robbo Let's try on this pair of roller skates Let's try it out, Felix Try and zoom around the cone Ready, steady, go! Well done Felix, I don't think you'll be late again Thanks very much for visiting the Pet Rescue Centre today We'll see you again soon Bye!
Writer(s): Michael John Moran Lyrics powered by