
Frank Sidebottom
Frank Sidebottom
Chris Sievey
Chris Sievey


Breakfast time again Switch on your radio Playing all the top hits Here it is again The one you're waiting for Airplay, they're playing my song again Infectious as it's long Airplay, there's nothing wrong with Catchy little hooks You hate but just can't seem to shake They're going 'round your head Right 'round There's nothing you can do To stop yourself From latching on the bridge, and singing Airplay, they're playing my song again I'm heading for the one Airplay, take it away That's the solo gone I stuck it early in the song To make the structure different from the last one That's the sort of thing that you consider When you're going for Airplay, we're on the hook again I'm washing your brain Airplay, a simple refrain But a tricky middle eight You have to wait a few times to hear It's not as easy on the ear But don't theorise your music I'll take you right back to Airplay, now you're tapping your foot again I'm taking it up Airplay, I'm pulling all the stops out now And making subtle changes to the verse The worse is yet to come It's the obvious, and the very tight harmonies The ABBA, Dollar and Bucks Fizz Everything you wish for Airplay, I'll keep the chorus coming Airplay, I'm pushing it home Airplay, Airplay They're playing my song again Infectious as it's long Airplay, airplay Now you're tapping your foot again I'm washing your brain Airplay, airplay Log it on the PRS I'm getting all the Airplay, Airplay Weeoooooo Airplay Weeoooooo Airplay
Writer(s): Chris Sievey Lyrics powered by