Kimya Dawsonの「Alphabutt」を聴こう。
Kimya Dawson
Album - Alternative, Music, Singer/Songwriter, Indie Rock, College Rock, Children's Music, Contemporary Folk
For anyone already familiar with the solo work of Kimya Dawson (featured prominently in the film Juno), it may come as a surprise that this is considered her first album of children’s music. Her music has always had a childlike quality that’s reveled in its directness and simplicity. Here, as a new mom (daughter Panda adds her vocals as well), she simply takes it a bit further. Scatological humor is in full supply. “D is for Doo-Doo” she informs us on the album’s title track and the title “Pee-Pee In the Potty” pretty much tells you what you need to know. This album works as both child entertainment (as long as you don’t mind your kids being brainwashed and learning that “F is for Farts”) and for adults who wish to rattle and annoy their friends. The sing-along quality of many of these songs threaten the stability and sanity of any conscious and thinking adult — as intended. Yet, she does also address later in life realities as “Happy Home (Keep On Writing)” discusses paying off student loans. Once these songs get in your consciousness, they may not leave.