Pink Floydの「The Piper at the Gates of Dawn」を聴こう。
Pink Floyd
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Album - Rock, Music, Psychedelic, Prog-Rock/Art Rock, Arena Rock, British Invasion
Even though Pink Floyd's debut album followed Sgt. Pepper's by a couple of months, nothing could have prepared the world for the magical blend of genius and LSD-induced madness that drove Floyd frontman Syd Barrett's dazzling psychedelic vision. Barrett's cubist guitar riffs collide magnificently with Rick Wright's hypnotic, snake-charmer organ lines amid a dizzying merry-go-round of sound effects. All the while, Syd's equally abstract lyrical approach freely mixes fairytale imagery with cosmic explorations—the ideal soundtrack for journeys through both outer and inner space.

Pink Floydの他のアルバム
