Dizzyの「Baby Teeth」を聴こう。
Baby Teeth
Album - Alternative, Music, Rock, Pop, Pop/Rock
On their dreamy debut album, Ontario indie-pop band Dizzy capture the magic and mundanity of growing up in the suburbs. The four-piece, now in their early twenties, tell coming-of-age stories with wise, wistful distance: “I am older/Half my mother/Look how this time just carries me,” Katie Munshaw sings on “Calico.” Like fellow alt-pop nostalgists Wet and London Grammar, Dizzy use rich electronic textures and reverb-heavy vocals to give their sound a warmth that’s perfect for rainy-day listening. With help from producer Damian Taylor (Björk, Arcade Fire), Baby Teeth feels somehow pure and polished, like a montage from a John Hughes film. It has that hopeful energy, too, of a new band on the brink.