Neto Bernalの「Con Una Sonrisa」を聴こう。
Neto Bernal
Con Una Sonrisa
アルバム · Música Mexicana · 2018
Mexican heartthrob Neto Bernal plays lovely acoustic folk songs infused with hooks and harmonies more common to Latin pop hits. While his second album, Con Una Sonrisa, again courts a crossover audience, Bernal still retains his childhood love for classic ranchera and norteño, updating those decades-old traditions for a generation raised on slickly produced emotional ballads. Wracked by the pain of unrequited love, he reveals true yearning in his voice on the lilting plea "Si Quieres," and he blazes with passion on "Con Una Sonrisa," ditching his usual candied croon to pledge his devotion. But it's not all romantic melodrama for Bernal: He revels in youthful charm on playful sing-alongs like "Popurrí Invasores," while the swooning mariachi horns and strings of "Si Solo Querías Jugar" suggest an artist ready to mature in intriguing ways.