Slayerの「Undisputed Attitude」を聴こう。
Undisputed Attitude
Album - Metal, Music, Rock
While Slayer had always used their albums to expand the parameters of thrash, the covers project Undisputed Attitude enabled them to go back to basics. Slayer shows its taste by choosing songs from lesser-known bands like Verbal Abuse, D.I. and Dr. Know. The version of Minor Threat’s “Guilty of Being White” caused an outcry in the press, but Slayer’s take on the same band’s “Filler / I Don’t Want To Hear It” is a far more powerful piece of music. A reading of T.S.O.L. “Abolish Government” (paired here with the same band’s “Superficial Love”) shows Slayer’s undying band’s allegiance to anti-establishmentarianism. Even though many of the songs clock in at less than two minutes, Undisputed Attitude offers some of Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman’s most concise and blistering guitar solos. In the offensive spirit of hardcore, “Can’t Stand You” and “Ddamm” (a.k.a. “Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers”) were written by a teenage Hanneman and revived for this album. While “Ddamm” is a superlative piece of shock punk, the guitar solo, which comes on like a splash of hot acid, is by far the song’s most wicked testimonial.

