Collie Buddzの「Good Life」を聴こう。
Collie Buddz
Good Life
Album - Reggae, Music
There’s something celebratory about nearly all of Bermudan reggae vocalist Collie Buddz’s songs—and that’s particularly the case on his third LP, even as it embraces life’s downs as much as its ups. Over the subdued grooves of “Control,” he’s reflective: “For all my failures/Please don’t judge me/I’m trying my best just to work it out.” And on “Part of My Life,” he takes a look-on-the-bright-side approach, aided by gently ringing guitars and New Wave-tinged pop production. But the title track is the real jam here—a laidback, party-positive statement and a road map for fun living.

Collie Buddzの他のアルバム
