Bodies of Waterの「Twist Again」を聴こう。
Bodies of Water
Twist Again
Album - Alternative, Music, Pop, Pop/Rock
Bodies of Water turns Twist Again into a dark-tinged exploration of love that’s both tightly focused in scope and enigmatic around the edges. Band leaders David and Meredith Metcalf move away from the rollicking kitsch of their recent Music Go Music project to examine the fragility of human relationships and the tenuous nature of life itself with a sober, slightly ironic touch. The couple frames their image-laden lyrics with an array of sounds that draw upon everything from Phil Spector-era pop to mellow psychedelia and mariachi brass for inspiration. Meredith’s cool yet yearning vocals convey a melancholy elegance on “One Hand Loves the Other” and “Lights Out Forever,” then take on slinky lounge-jazz colors for “Open Rhythms” and “In Your Thrall Again.” David melds David Bowie’s insinuating croon with the sophisticated weariness of Leonard Cohen on such moody numbers as “Like a Stranger” and “My Hip Won’t Let Me.” Biblical references lend a spiritual undercurrent to tracks like “New Age Nightmare” and “Mary, Don’t You Weep.”