Luister naar 'Make Believe' van The Arrows
The Arrows
Make Believe
Album - Pop, Music
This South African-based duo matches a rigorous Christian message with its music, condemning modern-day materialism and selfishness amidst disco beats and Off-Broadway melodic touches. The results are by turns confrontational, cheeky and charming, depending on singer/songwriter/keyboardist’s Pam de Menezes’ mood. The topics can get heavy — “Entropy” is a mocking attack upon moral complacency, while “No Robots” explores the limits of free will and “Ode to a Patient God” considers the Lord’s tolerance for human folly. De Menezes and percussionist partner Christie Desfontaine enter more ambiguous territory when they address human relationships. Tracks like “Lonely Soldiers,” “Lovesick” and the title tune capture the feel of shifting emotions with cascading lyrics and nuanced rhythms. At times, the songs here feel like a mashup of Everything but the Girl and Supertramp (!), with Regina Spektor sitting in for good measure. To her credit, De Menezes manages to dominate the often-complex arrangements with her versatile, jazz-tinged vocals.