Luister naar 'Sweetwater' van Sweetwater
Album - Rock, Music, Singer/Songwriter, Folk-Rock, Pop, Pop/Rock, Psychedelic
The eclectic octet Sweetwater began as a street combo, performing for fellow hippies at love-ins around Los Angeles. In their own casual way, Sweetwater was ambitious — in these tracks are elements of West Coast jazz, psychedelic rock, traditional folk and more. Holding things together is singer Nansi Nevins, whose poised vocal demeanor lends a genteel air to songs like “Two Worlds,””Come Take a Walk,” and “Here We Go Again.” She lets her hair down on “Why Oh Why” (a Jefferson Airplane-like rocker) and “My Crystal Spider” (an acid-dipped tune complete with electronic effects). The band includes some distinctive players, particularly cellist August Burns and flautist Albert Moore, who prove their mettle on medieval-styled pieces like “Through an Old Storybook.” Sadly, Nevins suffered a debilitating car accident before completing Sweetwater’s second album, forcing her to leave the band. Sweetwater gives a taste of what this group could’ve become with more time and better luck.