Set List: U2’s Zoo TV Tour
Playlist - 22 Songs
How does a band follow its biggest tour and official arrival as rock demigods? With an even bigger one that lampoons their status as rock demigods while also raising it. Years before the internet, the ideas of information overload and superficial idol worship were already very much front of mind; while The Joshua Tree was all about American wide-open spaces, 1991’s Achtung Baby reveled in European postmodern clutter and noise. As such, the 1992-93 Zoo TV tour featured dozens of screens flashing rapid-fire imagery and subliminal messages and Bono in wraparound shades and vinyl pants as a character he called “The Fly.” “Achtung Baby was, ‘Okay, want to be famous? Let’s develop now the proper rock star and have some fun with this,’” Bono told Zane Lowe in 2017. “We may have gone in a little too gung-ho there, because those plastic pants were hard to get off, actually.” Whether it was U2 drinking their own Kool-Aid after the success of The Joshua Tree and the straight-faced 1988 tour souvenir Rattle and Hum or spitting it out, Zoo TV showcased a sense of humor in a band famous for nearly everything but.