Posłuchaj utworu Liszt: Athanor - Totentanz & Piano Concertos wykonywanego przez Beatrice Berrut.
Beatrice Berrut
Liszt: Athanor - Totentanz & Piano Concertos
Album - Classical, Music, Romantic Era, Piano
Beatrice Berrut has called her Liszt album Athanor after the furnace used by alchemists in their quest for pure gold. It’s a neat title because the three Liszt compositions for piano and orchestra included here all operate at white heat and create musical transformations of alchemical ingenuity and imagination. From the ghoulish Totentanz to the sparkling fairy dance of the finale of the Second Concerto, Berrut plays with effortless virtuosity combined with impressive control. She spins off the lines with ease but also brings out the poetry of this music. The fine Czech orchestra provide lively accompaniments.

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