Posłuchaj utworu The Calling wykonywanego przez Mary Chapin Carpenter.
Mary Chapin Carpenter
The Calling
Album - Country, Music, Contemporary Country, Rock, Singer/Songwriter, Contemporary Singer/Songwriter, Contemporary Bluegrass
If you enjoyed Neil Young's "Let's Impeach The President" from 2006's Living With War, or found yourself applauding the Dixie Chicks for dusting off and warming up the First Amendment, sit down and give a good listen to Mary Chapin Carpenter's "On With The Song" where she fires it up and unleashes lyrics like, "This isn't for the ones who gladly swallow everything their leader would have them know/ bowing and kissing while the truth goes missing/ 'Bring it on,' he crows putting on his big show." It's as gutsy as it is catchy, much like the rest of The Calling, where jangly folk rock dances alongside acoustic Americana song craft. And the tasteful Nashville production seems to have brought out a confidence in her performances as songs like "We're All Right" rock like Sheryl Crow could have had something to do with it. The Calling also happens to be one of those rare instances where the title track is actually beautiful and powerful enough to be worthy of naming the entire collection of songs after it.

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