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Low vs Diamond
Low vs Diamond
Album - Alternative, Music, Indie Rock
Not quite brooding, but imbued with atmosphere and mood, the debut from L.A.’s Low vs. Diamond is dramatic, yet tastefully restrained, with its sweeping guitars, accents of pianos and keyboards, and warm, unpretentious vocals.  The collection succeeds right off in giving us a few radio friendly tracks that should have some shelf life without wearing out their welcome. The military, twitchy crunch  of “Killer B,” the lush guitar and Bryan Ferry-ish vocal swells of “Heart Attack” and the introspective demi-ballad, “This Is Your Life,” seem destined for airplay right next to Coldplay or the Doves. Perhaps too big for radio,  “Actions Are Actions” is a huge, emotional outpouring to a longtime friend or relative, with searing guitars lifting lyrics like, “I won’t turn my face and look away/ I still care about you /so desperately lost and you’re hurting us all /you don’t know the cost.” Vocalist Lucas Field has just the right touch with such plainspoken words placed clearly in the final mix; his style and tone are immediately appealing, and you want to hear what he is saying. Low vs. Diamond is a young band with a mature heart and lush vision, qualities which may well portend an interesting and prolific future.