Posłuchaj playlisty Berliner Philharmoniker Essentials w Apple Music.
Berliner Philharmoniker Essentials
Playlist - 48 Songs
While this bastion of symphonic excellence has been active since the late 19th century, it rose to global prominence in the postwar era, thanks to a succession of storied conductors: Wilhelm Furtwangler, Herbert von Karajan, Claudio Abbado, and Sir Simon Rattle. The orchestra is strong from top to bottom, though the deep, rich sound of its string section is legendary. With its firm foundation in the Germanic repertoire, the ensemble is known for versatile interpretations of Wagner, Beethoven, and Strauss, but it also displays a keen feel for brash contemporary works.

Wybrani wykonawcy

Na playliście Berliner Philharmoniker Essentials znajdziesz wykonawców Kirill Petrenko, Berlin Philharmonic, Ferenc Fricsay i wiele więcej