Listen to Hilltop Hoods' Afternoon Vibes on Apple Music.
Hilltop Hoods' Afternoon Vibes
Playlist - 40 Songs
Australian hip-hop wouldn’t be what it is today without Hilltop Hoods. Over 25 years in, the trio—Suffa, Pressure, and DJ Debris—are still going strong, but they know the importance of winding down and spending time relaxing with friends and family. The trio compiled this collection—of mostly contemporary chilled-out hip-hop alongside a few classics—for exactly that scenario. “It’s the perfect playlist for having a barbecue in LA on a weekend,” says Suffa. “Or the deck outside my house.” Below, Suffa talks more about a few of the group’s playlist picks. Danny Brown, “Best Life” “I was really excited about this record because Q-Tip was executive-producing it and he produced this track. It’s a huge drawcard, that double-deal with Danny Brown and Q-Tip. I love this album, especially because it’s mostly lower-tone Danny.” Illy, “Lean on Me” “We did ‘Exit Sign' with him and Ecca Vandal and we’ve seen a lot of him this year as a result. He’s my guy. He’s been working on and off for the last year or so, and he sends me a lot of what he’s working on. We go back and forth. I really dig this tune—it really suits the vibe.” Tyler, The Creator, “EARFQUAKE” “It’s so great. It didn’t really jump out at me before, when the album came out, but then I saw this marching band cover of the song online. It’s so, so good. I went back to the original track and it made more sense to me. I enjoy it so much more now.” Briggs, “Life Is Incredible” (feat. Greg Holden) “So many people were taking it the wrong way when it came out. They were like, ‘Briggs hates white people,’ but that’s not it at all. No, he’s just giving you a gentle reminder of how well you’ve got it with white privilege. It’s two different things. The video was also film clip of the year for me.” Ice Cube, “It Was a Good Day” “I don’t know how many times I’ve listened to this song. It’ll be in the thousands. It’s one of my favorite Ice Cube songs. This guy on the internet worked out exactly what day it was—it’s so funny. He used all the lyrics to narrow it down and figure out which day was the good day. And it’s just so timeless in that it’s able to sit against all this new music and still sound very relevant.” Tones and I, “The Kids Are Coming” “Adrian Eagle has been touring with us, and he toured around Australia with her. He’s said that she’s just the most genuine and talented person and so deserving of all the success she’s got. That tune is such a brainworm. My kids love it, actually—they play this one and ‘Dance Monkey’ nonstop. It’s great to see an Australian artist doing so well globally.”