Listen to BOYS LIKE GIRLS Essentials on Apple Music.
Playlist - 15 Songs
The Massachusetts band BOYS LIKE GIRLS illuminate the many influences of the 2000s’ third-wave emo movement—their music takes cues from high-energy pop-punk (“The Great Escape”), heartfelt pop-rock (“Hero/Heroine”), and even a duet with Taylor Swift (the 2009 hit “Two Is Better Than One”). The constant throughline in the group’s music is Martin Johnson: Vocally, he brings an earnest, insightful tone to lyrics that put a unique spin on heartbreak and disintegrating relationships—and he maintains this empathetic vibe even as BOYS LIKE GIRLS have branched out to country, sweeping ballads, and, as on 2009’s “Love Drunk,” slick modern pop-rock with an ’80s arena sheen.