Ouve Suicide Invoice de Hot Snakes
Hot Snakes
Suicide Invoice
Album - Alternative, Music, Indie Rock, Rock, Punk
San Diego’s venerable Swami Records has been putting out the best in grimy rock and roll for almost a decade now. Though many of the bands on Swami have roots in hardcore punk, the music that the label releases is often deeply rooted in traditional American rock & roll. As the Cramps famously proved, chaotic bursts of noise always sound better when accompanied by a dose of quavering rockabilly reverb, or a helping of classic garage rock badinage. The Hot Snakes play with the amp crackling fury of hardcore favorites like Pussy Galore and Black Flag, but augment their wall-of-noise style with the chunky chords and catchy choruses of garage era groups like The Sonics and The 13th Floor Elevators. On the storming “Gary Forgets His Insulin” they inject some hardcore blast beats into a hazy delta blues shuffle, making for a song that roars with the disgruntled ferocity of an ailing diesel engine, all over heated fury and black exhaust. In an era when garage rockers are often inhibited by a misplaced sense of reverence and awe, The Hot Snakes show no shame in remaking the past in their own hardcore informed image. On Suicide Invoice they show their respect for the sounds of the past by tearing them apart.