Ouve The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered de
The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered
Album - Alternative, Music
If you’re of a certain age, you may remember the early ‘80s, cassette-only releases of Daniel Johnston (who is still very much alive), and scratching your head and thinking, “Huh?” And for a spell it seemed the label of “outsider artist” might curse him to become a passing fad despite his core talent for lyrical zingers and quirky musical constructs. His songs — at times childlike and naïve, at others dark and bizarre — grew over the years into thoughtful and multi-faceted tunes that a number of artists here interpret with their own stylistic spins. The fact that talent as varied as Eels, Mercury Rev and Bright Eyes not only chose to participate, but turned out glorious, fresh versions of these full-bodied songs speaks to the quality of Johnston’s songwriting. Beck’s chilling version of “True Love Will Find You in the End” sounds like a backwoods folkie singing a traditional love song; Teenage Fanclub attacks “My Life is Starting Over Again” with all the raucousness of a late-century indie college band; Clem Snide’s cover of “Grievence” borrow’s Johnston’s quirky and distinct singing style and a Van Morrison-ish arrangement to create a Dylanesque moment (“Respect love of the heart over lust of the flesh / do yourself a favor and become your own savior...”); Tom Waits delivers the artful, outside-the-lines goods we love on “King Kong.”  So much to admire here, so little space to rave! A further stroke of genius by the artist has Johnston including his own versions of these songs alongside, providing easy access for both the curious and the faithful.  “Rock This Town” is an extra bonus track.