Ouve Gully Sit'n de Agent Sasco (Assassin)
Agent Sasco (Assassin)
Gully Sit'n
Album - Reggae, Music, Modern Dancehall
When Assassin (who later renamed himself Agent Sasco) dropped Gully Sit’n in 2007, his horizon was still wide open: His Kanye collaboration (“I’m In It”) was several years off, as were spots with Kendrick (“The Blacker the Berry”) and Freddie Gibbs (“Bandana”). What you hear here is a gruff, dynamic emerging voice: a bit of tough guy (“Gully Sit’n,” “Gun Bag”), a bit of loverman (“Wanna Love You Baby,” the striking quasi-Arabic “Girls Alone”), and a bit of billboard-sized wisdom to keep that moral fiber strong (“Don’t Dis No Man”). And while some of the beats have a slight crossover flavor (“Good Over Evil,” the proto-trap of “We Love the Girls”), the rest of it is raw dancehall—an unfiltered quality that, ironically, made him all the more appealing once his international moment showed up.