Ouve Death Will Reign de Impending Doom
Impending Doom
Death Will Reign
Album - Metal, Music, Rock, Death Metal/Black Metal, Christian, Christian Metal
Straddling the line between damnation and redemption, California's Impending Doom pour down torrents of pure molten fury on their fifth album, Death Will Reign. The quintet’s brand of gore-splattered worship (or “gorship”) has never sounded more potent than on these unrelenting tracks, produced with precision by Will Putney (Lamb of God, For Today). Always known for their fusion of Christian fervor and deathcore aggression, ID gain even more edge here thanks to the twin-guitar assault of founding member Manny Contreras (back after a two-album absence) and new recruit Eric Correa. Their blistering cross-lines mesh with Brandon Trahan’s jackhammer blast beats with exceptional finesse, letting vocalist Brook Reeve unleash harrowing screams of rage and anguish. Album highlights include the opener “Ravenous Disease” (punctuated by horrific bellows and graced with layered musicianship), “Beyond the Grave” (lent luminous color by effects-drenched guitar washes), and “My Blood” (a scathing sonic eruption conveying a loving family-centered message). “The Great Divide” closes with a final desperate plea to God for rescue from a world of madness.

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